
According to § 5 TMG

Regi­na Wag­ner
Wag­ner ePia­no i.G.
Brei­te Stra­ße 18
14199 Ber­lin

Regis­tra­ti­on court dis­trict court Mit­te-Tier­gar­ten (Ber­lin)


Pho­ne : +49 30 20452707
Mobi­le : +49 172 3131465

E‑Mail : rw@​wagnerepiano.​com

Tax ID

Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber accor­ding to 27 a sales tax law :
DE97 123 814 565

EU Dispute Settlement

The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on pro­vi­des a plat­form for online dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on (OS


Our e‑mail address can be found abo­ve in the imprint.

Con­su­mer dis­pu­te resolution/universal arbi­tra­ti­on board

We are not wil­ling or obli­ged to par­ti­ci­pa­te in dis­pu­te sett­le­ment pro­ce­du­res befo­re a con­su­mer arbi­tra­ti­on board.

Source : e‑