Pia­no Schwarz 1 4

Now let´s play – Wagner ePiano

The Wag­ner ePia­no is a small new elec­tro­nic grand Pia­no with a modern attrac­ti­ve design and easi­ly to hand­le.
The Wag­ner ePia­no ful­fills wis­hes of mobi­li­ty requi­re­ments for the home mar­ket and for musi­ci­ans who tra­vel a lot.

Piano weiss
Designer Flügel für Digitalpiano weiss
Piano weiss
stylisher Flügel für Digitalpianos
Piano schwarz
Designer Flügel Digitalpiano
Bausatz WagnerePiano Flügel für Digitalpiano
stylisher Flügel für Digitalpianos
Piano weiss
Piano weiss

As a self-assem­bly kit, the Wag­ner ePia­no is dif­fe­rent from all other pianos.

The kit con­sists of nine indi­vi­du­al parts, which can be easi­ly assem­bled and dis­as­sem­bled wit­hout tools.

In the rear, two sto­rage com­part­ments offer space for sto­ring head­pho­nes, pedals, music sheet, tablet and other accessoires.

The high-qua­li­ty, hand­craf­ted woo­den body is not only a visu­al upgrade, but also signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ves the sound quality.

Piano weiss

The very beau­tiful ele­gant Wag­ner ePia­no can be equip­ped with digi­tal pia­nos from a wide ran­ge of fea­tures and sounds.

Thanks to its ver­sa­ti­le con­fí­gu­ra­ti­ons the KORG B 2 is ide­al for lear­ning and prac­tic play­ing the pia­no, while the KORG D 1 with high qua­li­ty key­board is sui­ta­ble for use on stage.

Woo­den body para­me­ters (wit­hout digi­tal piano)

Width, height, depth, 1440 x 840 x 950 mm
black, white or colo­red finish in semi-matt,
high-gloss or colo­red stained

 Weight 50 kg, with pack­a­ging 60 kg
Ship­ped in 2 reusable boxes
on request also in a rollable flight case

Ship­ping by DHL or Her­mes
(For­war­ding not required)

For more infor­ma­ti­on cont­act me at
Tel. +49. 30. 20 45 27 07
Mobil +49. 172. 31 31 465

The com­pact class CASIO PRIVIA with inno­va­ti­ve smart-ham­mer-mecha­nics and many other fea­tures open up new expe­ri­en­ces play­ing pia­no at home, in the stu­dio and on stage.

The gre­at ran­ge of sounds and rhyth­ms as well as the varie­ty of sounds expand the musi­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties – with wire­less midi & audio adapter.

The Wag­ner ePia­no is com­pa­ti­ble with the Casio PX‑S 1000, 3000 and 5000 series.


Wag­ner ePia­no
Regi­na Wag­ner
Brei­te Stra­ße 18
14199 Ber­lin

pho­ne +49 30 20452707
mobi­le    +49 172 3131465

E‑Mail rw@​wagnerepiano.​com

Seal to iden­ti­fy inno­va­ti­on competence



Wag­ner ePia­no
Regi­na Wag­ner
Brei­te Stra­ße 18
14199 Ber­lin

Pho­ne +49 30 20452707
Mobi­le + 49 172 3131465

E‑Mail rw@​wagnerepiano.​com

Seal to iden­ti­fy inno­va­ti­on competence
